
If you have this problem...

Try this...

After changing the Cron command, the batch is not running as expected. Try removing and re-entering the Cron command: delete the content of the Batch Start Cron Command field and save the page. Enter the Cron command again, and save the page.

The Cron command does not work for an imported Payflow service.

If your Cron command worked as expected in the original Payflow service, but does not work when a new service is created by importing an .fs file, Try removing and re-entering the Cron command: delete the content of the Batch Start Cron Command field and save the page. Enter the Cron command again, and save the page.

A Team Member record is created but an Employment Record was not.

Confirm there are no special characters in your value fields or picklist fields.

Confirm the Employment Record fields do not have special validation, such as requiring unique values. Note: an Employment Record is created first, with blank fields, before being populated by Payflow. Field validation that requires unique values prevents Payflow from creating the Employment Record.

Error Message:

"Insufficient permissions: secure query included inaccessible field".

You might see this if your users do not have a Payflow permission set assigned, or if field-level security is not configured correctly.

If your Payflow users do not have a Payflow permisson set, you must apply the appropriate permission set to your Payflow users.

To check field-level security settings:

  1. Go to Setup > Profiles

  2. Select the Profile Name of the Profile experiencing the error.

  3. In the Field Level Security section, select View on the Payflow Service.

  4. Confirm the profile's permissions match the following:

  5. If required, select Edit to make changes.

  6. When you have finished, select Save.

You encounter the following error message for the Apex job when running Payflow:

Error Message: "SQL query too complex"


Payflow does not run at all, or ran successfully, but did not produce any rows of data.

A large number of formula fields on the Employment Record object may cause this error.

Check how many formula fields you have in this object. You can add formula fields to the Exclude From Search field set in the Employment Record object to make Payflow ignore them.


The Exclude From Search field set will cause any fields included to be ignored. Any fields in this field set will not output to a Payflow file. If a field in this field set is used for a filter query, Payflow will output a null error when querying the record.

HR Departments are appearing in the Payflow output file as Record IDs.

Check the Mapping HCM to Download Files configuration. Instead of using fHCM2__Department__c field on the Team Member object, create a formula field which instead references Team Member > HR Department > HR Department

You see an unexpected data format for some output fields in the download file.

Use the Format option under field mapping to change the data format settings at field level.

The Payflow output file includes employees who have left.

Check the Team Member Select Dates field is selected for the Payflow service. This will include only team members who were employed during the batch period.

Unable to extract dependent information in Payflow: there is nothing in the file, even when trying the following:

  • A clean baseline service with Changes Only selected after changes have been made.
  • A new service including only the dependents.
Payflow cannot be used to export just dependent data that isn't part of a benefits payflow. The only way to get dependent data is through a benefit payflow, meaning you can only get dependents that are connected to benefits. Dependents can be linked to benefits using the dependents/beneficiaries related list on the benefits object.
"Previous batch" does not always increment. Changes Only Payflow services will look at the Pay Period specified to determine the previous batch. If you want the "Previous batch" to always pick the last batch, change the configuration of the service to not have a Base Date and Pay Period configured.
If you remove a dependent and change the benefit coverage level, the new Payflow file only picks up the newer enrollment.

Depending on the circumstance of the change, there are two options:

  1. If removing the dependent changes the level of coverage: end the dependent enrollment and let the Payflow service run. Then add the new enrollment.

  2. If removing the dependent doesn’t change the level of coverage (for example, the employee is staying within a family coverage plan): add an end date to the beneficiary enrollment record.

Deletion of Payflow batches fails with an error DELETE OPERATION TOO LARGE.

This is likely to be caused by child records related to the batch which have been deleted but are still in the org's recycle bin in an org with a large volume of records.

When Payflow batches are deleted, the related child records for the Payflow batch are deleted first, and then the Payflow batch itself. In an org with large volumes of records, it is possible for child records to be deleted but deletion of the batch fails because the child records are still in the org's recycle bin. The deletion of the batch itself will keep failing whenever the deletion is attempted until the deleted child records are removed from the org's recycle bin. After the child records have been removed from the recycle bin, the batch itself is successfully deleted too.