The Metrics Library

The Metrics Library stores items that are measured for a Metrics Review. Metrics can be:

  • Number

    The library stores:

    • The minimum and maximum values permitted for the number.
    • A required value.
    • Any margin between the required value and the rating needed to earn an Achieved rating.

    When conducting a Metrics Review, a manager must enter a value for the metric between the minimum and maximum values. Entered values are also assessed against the required value and the optional margin, and can be marked:

    • Achieved - above required + margin.
    • Partially Achieved - within the margin above the required value.
    • Not Achieved - below the required value.
  • Scale

    The library stores:

    • The options available on the scale.
    • A required level.
    • Any margin between the required level and the rating needed to earn an Achieved rating.

    When conducting a Metrics Review, a manager must select one of the available options. Selected options are assessed against the required level and the optional margin, and can be marked:

    • Achieved - above required + margin
    • Partially Achieved - within the margin above the required level.
    • Not Achieved - below the required level.
  • Text

    Text metrics require a text comment from the manager at review time.