Configuration options

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Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options for Skills




Checkbox. If checked, the Skills process is active and can be enabled for WX users. Clear the checkbox to disable skills and hide the skills search menu item in WX.

Skills Repeat

Number. The number of months between skills being reviewed. The manager is prompted to review after this time.

Manager Confirms Skills

Checkbox. If checked, skills entered or amended by the team member must be confirmed. Confirmation can be by the Team Member's manager, by a qualified assessor, or by the Team Member; set the level using Approver Type for each Skill Library Item.

If Manager Confirms Skills is checked and Approver Type on the Skill Library Item is set to None, confirmation defaults to the Team Member's Manager for that Skill.

If Manager Confirms Skills is checked you can require the confirming individual to authenticate their identity: check Authenticate Skill Approval.

If unchecked, new or amended skills are not subject to confirmation or authentication, regardless of the Approver Type setting on individual Skill Library Items and the Authenticate Skill Approval setting.

Authenticate Skill Approval

Checkbox. Not currently supported.

Field sets

There are no field sets assigned to Skills.


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Skill object

Mentor Level field

  • Read

  • Edit

  • Authorize

Skill Library Item object

Approver Type field

  • Self

  • Manager

  • Qualified Assessor

Skill Library Language object

Locale field

  • da

  • de

  • en-gb

  • en-us

  • fi

  • fr

  • it

  • ja

  • ko

  • nl_NL

  • pt_BR

  • ru

  • sv

  • th

  • zh_CN

  • zh_TW

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Skill object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Formula (Text)

Action Date

Formula (Date)

Approved Date



Lookup (Team Member)


Formula (Text)

Bar Chart

Formula (Text)


Long Text Area (32000)

Expiry Date



Lookup (Scale Response)

Manager Action

Formula (Text)

Manager Action Date

Formula (Date)

Maximum Score

Number (2,0)

Mentor Level



Formula (Percent)

Scale Label

Formula (Text)


Number (3,0)

Skill Library Item

Lookup (Skill Library Item)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Skill Library Item object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Active Checkbox
Approver Type Picklist
Area Text (255)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Minimum Level of Approver Lookup (Scale Response)
Minimum Level of Approver Label Formula (Text)
Minimum Level of Approver Score Formula (Number)
Scale Lookup (Scale)


Skill Library Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Area Text (255)
Description Long Text Area (32000)
Locale Picklist
Skill Library Item Master-Detail (Skill Library Item)
Skill Library Language Name Text (80)


Skill Training object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Skill Library Item

Master-Detail (Skill Library Item)

Training Library Item

Master-Detail (Training Library Item)

Record Types

There are no Record Types for Skills.


  • Manager and Team Member: Add New or Confirm. Appears when:

    • Skills process is active
    • The Next Skills date is not blank and is today or in the past

After a skill is created or edited Next Skills date is advanced by the number of Repeat Months set in the Policy field Skills Repeat. If Next Skills is blank it is set to the number of Repeat Months beyond the creation date or last editing date of the skill, whichever is later.

Action events


When sent


When a Skill is edited or approved by a manager.


When a Skill is deleted by a team member or manager


When a Skill edited by a team member or manager.

Expiry Date

When a Skill Expiry Date is today. The trigger date can be offset* from the Expiry Date.


When a Skill is added to a team member profile by a team member or manager.

* Action Events can use these dates to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).