Leaving a Group in WX

You can leave a Group where you are a member on the My Groups screen or from the Group details page.

To leave a Group on the My Groups screen:

  1. On the Group card, select the down chevron :

    Screenshot of a Group card pointing to the chevron

  2. Select Leave Group:

    Screenshot of a Group card, with Leave Group button visible

    WX displays a confirmation message:

    Screenshot of the Are You Sure message after selecting Leave Group

  3. Select:

    • Leave Group to be removed as a member.
    • Cancel to return to the My Groups screen.

To leave a Group from the Group details:

  1. On My Groups screen, select the Group card.

  2. On Group Details page, select Leave Group:

    Screenshot of the top of the Group Details page, pointing to the Leave Group button

    WX displays a confirmation message:

    Screenshot of the Are You Sure message after selecting Leave Group

  3. Select:

    • Leave Group to be removed as a member.
    • Cancel to return to the My Groups screen.

To leave a Group from the Members list on the Group details page:

  1. On My Groups screen, select the Group card.
  2. On Group Details page, find yourself on the Members list and select the down chevron next to your details:

    Screenshot of a Group member's details, pointing to the chevron for member options

  3. Select Leave Group:

    Screenshot of a Group member details, showing the Leave Group option

    WX displays a confirmation message.

  4. Select:

    • Leave Group to be removed as a member.
    • Cancel to return to the My Groups screen.

If you are the only Administrator in a Group and attempt to leave the Group, WX displays a message advising that you cannot leave the Group unless there is another Administrator.

Screenshot of "Admin cannot leave!" message in WX