Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options in the Additional section, with the Payslips option highlighted

If the Payslips checkbox is not displayed:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager and select the Policy object.

  2. From the sidebar, select Field Sets.

  3. Select the Additional Policies field set.

  4. Drag and drop the Payslips field set into the field set.

  5. Select Save.

Option Description

Checkbox. If checked, the Payslips process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Field sets

Payflow Line object
Field Set Purpose
Payroll Line Details WX only. Fields displayed in the Payslips Detail View, individual Payslip detail.
Payroll Line Summary WX only. Fields displayed in the Payslips Detail view, summary table.
Payroll Line Tile WX only. Fields displayed in the Payslips Tile.



Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Payflow Line object (Payflow)
Default Field Label Field Type
Account Name Text (255)

Account Number

Text (15)
Amount Number (16,2)
Annual Multiplier Number 12,4)
Approved Date Date
Award Date Date
Bank Name Text (255)
Basis Text (80)
Birth Date Date
Bonus Amount Number (16,2)
Business Text (128)
Change Reason Text (80)
Continuous Service Date Date
Country Text (128)
Currency Text (80)
Department Text (80)
Division Text (255)
Email Email
Employment Lookup (Employment Record)
Employment Status Text (80)
End Date Date
First Name Text (80)
FTE Number (1,3)
Function Text (128)
Gender Text (80)
Grade Text (80)
Hire Date Date
Home Address 1 Text (255)
Home Address 2 Text (255)
Home Address 3 Text (255)
Home Address City Text (128)
Home Address Country Text (128)
Home Address Postal Code Text (16)
Home Address Region Text (128)
Home Phone Phone
Job Title Text (255)
Location Text (255)
Manager Text (80)
Mobile Text (32)
Payroll Batch Lookup (Payflow Batch)
Payroll Number Text (64)
Period Text (80)
Personnel Number Text (64)
Phone Text (32)
Salary Start Date Date
Salesforce Access Checkbox
Self Vacation Days Per Year Number (3,0)
Social Security Number Text (32)
Sort Code Text (16)
Start Date Date
Surname Text (80)
Team Text (255)
Unique Id Text (64)
User Profile Text (80)


Payroll Line Item object (Payflow)
Default Field Label Field Type
Amount Currency (16,2)
Hours Number (5,4)
Payroll Line Master-Detail (Payflow Line)

Record types




Action events
