Available tabs

Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

  • The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.
  • The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options.
Tab Displays


The landing page when you open the HR Manager Portal. The Home page includes a dashboard, which you can select, the My Tasks list, Items to Approve, and your Calendar.

Workforce eXperience

Your own view of information about yourself and your team, with options for updating.

Team Members

The Team Member records for each employee in your organization. All employee information is accessible through their Team Member records.



  Other tabs, alphabetical order
Absence Accrual Patterns

Sets of rules defining how absence and vacation accrues. Rules can cover each absence type and multiple Patterns can be defined, enabling you to use different models for different groups of employees such as by country or by seniority. Patterns can be assigned to policies or to Employment Records.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Action Event Patterns

Action Events are sent to HCM users at various points in a process in response to specific events, and the Action Events are grouped into sets known as Action Event Patterns. Action Event Patterns are linked to policies and you can link one Pattern to multiple policies, or to a single policy. Action Event Patterns can be exported and imported to enable copying between organizations.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Actions Digests Actions Digests are daily emails sent to all Team Members who have process related actions raised for them. The Actions Digests tab lists the Digests sent, with options to display the number of actions included in each Digest for each process.

Competency Library

The qualities used to assess how well an individual performs a job for a specific job profile. The Competency Library stores a record for each competency used in defining a job profile. For example, flexibility, initiative, or personal organization.

Constraint Library

Conditions that can be applied to other items, such as Templates, to restrict availability of those items. For example, Start and End Dates set as Constraints mean that the item using the Constraint is only available between the Start and End Date.

Dashboards Pre-defined graphical summaries of underlying reports. A dashboard can have up to 20 component charts or tables, each one providing a visual summary of report data. The Dashboards tab has options for cloning and editing existing dashboards. Use the Reports tab for an option to create your own dashboards.
DocuSign Envelopes

DocuSign Envelopes are created when you use DocuSign Templates to send forms to Team Members for completion.

Not displayed by default.

DocuSign Templates

Templates available to use as DocuSign forms for sending to Team Members for completion. Data can be extracted automatically from completed forms and added to Team Member records.

Not displayed by default

Exchange Rates The fixed exchange rates used by your organization for calculating currency conversions. Each currency is represented by a rate to enable standardized conversion to a base currency.
Groups Defined groups of Team Members brought together for a range of organizational needs. Groups are visible through the WX Groups process and the Team Absence Calendar.
Group Types A means of classifying Groups. Related Groups can share a Group Type.
HCM Form Definitions

All HCM Form templates set up for your organization, such as exit interview or Equal Employment Opportunity Reporting forms. Every HCM form that you use is based on an HCM Form Definition.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

HCM Forms

All HCM Forms set up for use in your organization. Each HCM Form is based on an HCM Form Definition and defines who is to receive the request to complete the form, and the dates applied to start, remind, and close the form.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

HR Departments The Team Member groups. Each HR Department is a group of Team Members managed by an HR Manager. An HR Department can align with an organizational department, or it can be some other grouping such as a site, region or country.
HR Noticeboard The notices you have defined for displaying on specific WX pages.
HR Requests Changes to Team Member records requested by their managers, such as salary or job profile changes. Each request follows an approval process before HR implementation.
HR Request Types Types of employment details changes in your organization.
Internal Communications

The Internal Communications available in your organization. Internal Communications are WX Processes delivered in text, video, or website form. Each Internal Communication can be associated with one or more WX Services and have localized versions for locale-specific display throughout your organization.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Job Description Library

The roles and responsibilities for each job. Job Descriptions are typically prepared in advance and provided as templates to Team Members and Managers.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Job Library

Standard information about jobs such as title, grade, and salary ranges.

Job Profiles

Profiles for each job, defined using the competences, skills, and indicators needed to perform a job. For example, the job profile for a Sales Director typically includes flexibility, personal impact, pace setting, initiative, and so on. Competency assessments are performed against job profiles.

Metrics Library

Items that are measured for a Metrics Review. Metrics can be Number, Scale or Text.


Access to all Team Members in your organization, with options to filter the view on a range of fields and to transfer selected Team Members between HR Departments and managers.

Overtime Rules

Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Collections of one or more Overtime Conditions applying to a specific timespan, such as a day, a week, or that defined by a Timesheet. Overtime Rules are allocated to one or more Timesheet Patterns and used to support the Timesheets process.

Pay Codes

Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Codes allocated to specific pay rate, such as standard time or double time. Each Pay Code has a name, which is used on Timesheets, and a code, which is used within the system.

PDF Templates Pre-configured Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) templates supporting Sage People functionality enabling you to create and send PDF files from within Sage People packages. PDF files in Sage People are typically used for employment contracts, amendments to terms and conditions, other formal letters to Team Members, branded company-wide announcements and so on. PDF templates can use formulas for conditional and tailored content.

Performance Review Templates

Replaces Templates Library tab.

Reusable pages for Performance Review. Templates can be versioned. Templates can share a version number to form Template Version Streams; updating a Template Version updates all templates in the same stream.


The sets of Sage People HCM processes defined for your organization. Separate Policies can be defined for each location, HR Department, or other grouping of Team Members. Settings control the visibility of processes in Sage People WX.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Reports Pre-defined reports for reviewing and managing stored employee information. The Reports tab also includes an option for creating your own custom reports and dashboards.
Roles Roles defined to execute actions on behalf of someone else. Roles enable you to map one or more people to act as delegates for one or more others.
Salary Bands

Top, bottom and quartile currency amounts used to define the salaries paid in your organization. Bands can be allocated to salary families.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.


The scales used in measuring indicators of competency and skill. For example, the scale used in measuring the frequency of an activity might use the terms Never, Occasionally, Often, Usually, and have the respective scores 1, 2, 3, 4.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Skill Library

The knowledge needed for a job profile. The Skills Library stores a record for each skill used in defining a job profile. Skills can be grouped into areas: a Management area might include mentoring, delegation, coaching, appraising performance.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Stock Options Patterns

Groups of parameters that define how a Stock Option based on the Pattern will behave. Stock Option Patterns support Sage People Stock Options functionality.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Template Library

Replaced by the Performance Review Templates tab.

If you have an existing Template Library tab in your org, you can manually remove it, go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Tabs and select Del next to the tab name.

Timesheet Patterns

Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Definitions of timesheet periods and the time reporting timespan, supporting the Timesheets process. Timesheet Patterns have an associated Overtime Rule which defines the conditions under which overtime is payable to Team Members working under the Pattern. Timesheet Patterns can be assigned to Policies and to individual Team Members.


Records of work time over a defined period for Team Members.

A Sage People Time timesheet has defined start and end dates and comprises one or more Time Reports. Typically completed through Team Members' WX pages, Timesheets can also be created and edited through the HR Manager Portal. When complete, the timesheet enables calculation of total work duration and amount of pay due.

Training Library

All training courses and types of intervention that may be helpful when addressing skill or competency gaps.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Work Allocations

Tasks, projects, customers or other entities against which Team Members book their time, supporting the Timesheets process. Sage People enables you to define Work Allocations as a hierarchy, for example from a geographical region, through customers in that region, to projects and sub-projects within customers.

Work Days Patterns

Definitions of the working week as used in different parts of your organization, including recurring holidays, such as bank or public holidays, and how vacation days are treated when they fall on public holidays. Typically used to define practices in different countries or regions.

Work Locations

Standard information about your organization's locations, such as address, zip or postal code, and country.

Work Schedules

Schedules of Working Days with constituent Time Segments. Schedules can be allocated to Policies or to individual Team Member Employment Records, and form an integral part of your organization's time and attendance management.

Working Days

Days defined by overall duration and constituent Time Segment. Working Days are used to define Work Schedules. Each Working Day can be used in multiple Work Schedules.

WX Process Operation Messages Confirmation messages displayed for Team Members in WX when a Team Member completes a Pulse Survey.

WX Reports

Tabular and graphical reports set up for displaying data through WX. WX Reports are based on underlying Salesforce reports using Sage People data, with field content and filters tailored to your requirements.

WX Services

The Sage People WX Services available in your organization.

WX Services host the WX Processes used by your Team Members, and can be named to suit the needs of your organization

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.