Adding new Bank Details

  1. In the menu, select the Bank Details process:

    Screenshot: finding bank details in the navigation menu

    If this is the first time you have added Bank Details, WX displays the Bank Details page with a message:

    Screenshot: Message shown when you do not have any Bank Details saved

  2. Select New.

    WX displays the Account Details view:

    Screenshot: Blank bank account details page

  3. You must enter an Account Name and the name of the bank holding the account.

  4. Select the Country picklist to display a list of countries available:

    Screenshot: A picklist showing account types for a selected country

    Select the Account Type you want to record.

  5. Complete other Account Details fields as required by your organization:

  6. Use the Allocate Funds radio buttons to select how you want payments to be allocated to this account from payroll:
    • Amount for a fixed amount.

    • Percentage for a fixed percentage.

    • Remainder if this account is to receive all funds remaining when other allocations have been made.

  7. For Amount and Percentage allocation, enter a Value:

    • A value entered for Amount is not checked at point of entry—it is validated against available funds by your company's payroll system.

  8. Select:

    • Save to save the details you entered and display the Bank Details detail view with your new account added:

      Screenshot: Bank Details page showing one bank account

    • Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Bank Details detail view. You are asked to confirm:

      Screenshot: Confirmation message before cancelling changes to bank details

      To confirm, select Yes, Cancel.