Work Schedules | Creating a work schedule

Working Days with their constituent Time Segments are hosted by a Work Schedule. When you have defined the Working Days and Time Segments you need, create the Work Schedules.

To create a Work Schedule:

  1. Select the Work Schedules tab.

  2. In the Work Schedules Home page select New.

    Sage People displays the Work Schedule Edit page:

    Screenshot: New Work Schedule page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Work Schedule Name

    The name of this Work Schedule. Enter a name that makes it easy to identify how the Schedule is to be used. If you are creating multiple Work Schedules consider using a naming convention to apply to all of them.


    Work Schedules can be set up with effective start and end dates. Version numbers are used to ensure Schedules can be preserved over time so that Team Member data created using a specific Work schedule remains unchanged.

    Base Date

    The date to use as the starting point for calculations for this Work Schedule.

    Select the field to display a date picker and choose the date. To use today's date as the Base Date select the date to the right of the field.

    Average Weekly Duration

    Automatically calculated when the Work Schedule is fully defined. Leave blank.

    Average Monthly Duration

    Automatically calculated when the Work Schedule is fully defined. Leave blank.

    Average Annual Duration

    Automatically calculated when the Work Schedule is fully defined. Leave blank.

    Config Status

    Used to display the status of Work Schedule configuration as you work through the set up process. Leave blank.

  4. Select:

    • Save to save this Work Schedule and display the Work Schedule Detail page.

    • Save & New to save this Work schedule and display a new Work Schedule Edit page to define another.

    • Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Work Schedules Home page.

When you have created the Work Schedule you are ready to assign Working Days to the Schedule.