Work Schedules | Assigning working days to work schedules
Select the Work Schedules tab.
On the Work Schedules Home page select the Work Schedule Name for the Schedule you want to assign working days.
On the Work Schedule Detail page, scroll down to the Working Day Assignments Related List and select New Working Day Assignment:
Sage People displays the Working Day Assignment Edit page:
Complete the fields as follows:
Field Description Work Schedule The name of the Work Schedule you are assigning working days.
Automatically completed with the name of the Work Schedule hosting this Related List. To choose a different Work Schedule, select Work Schedule Lookup
, find and select the Schedule you want.
Day Sequence Number An integer indicating the order of this working day in the Schedule. Day sequence numbers must start at 1 for each Schedule and must be consecutive. You can define sequences of up to 999 days.
Working Day The working day associated with the Day Sequence Number in the Work Schedule. Select Working Day Lookup
, find and select the Working Day you want.
Save to save this assignment and display the Working Day Assignment Detail page.
Save & New to save this assignment and display a new Working Day Assignment Edit page to define another.
Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Work Schedule Detail page.
Repeat the steps to define all the working day assignments for this Work Schedule. You must define all days in the Schedule, with Day Sequence Numbers running consecutively from 1.
When complete, redisplay the Work Schedule Detail page for the Schedule you have just defined and check the assignments are correct and the Config Status is set to OK:
The Work Schedule Detail page includes the following read-only fields:
Field Description Average Weekly Duration
Average Monthly Duration
Average Annual Duration
Displayed in hours and minutes (hh:mm). A set of indicative figures calculated using:
A 365 day year.
Work Schedule length in days.
The number of working hours in one Work Schedule.
For 7 day schedules, a 365 day year results in an extra day: 52 work schedule periods plus 1 day. Any working hours represented by the extra day are subtracted before calculating the average figures.
Config Status Used to display the status of Work Schedule configuration. Default messages are available as Custom Labels:
Label Name: Working_Day_Sequence_Incorrect
Default text: Time segments sequence numbers incorrect
Action: Check time segment sequence numbers:
Start from 1
Are sequential
Are unique - not duplicated
Label Name: Working_Day_Times_Incorrect
Default text: Start/End times incorrect
Action: Check working day time segments:
Start times and end times form an unbroken sequence from the start of the working day to the end.
Label Name: Work_Schedule_OK
Default text: OK
Action: None. The Schedule has passed validation.
Label Name: Work_Schedule_Sequence_Incorrect
Default text: Working day assignments sequence numbers incorrect
Action: Check working day assignment sequence numbers:
Start from 1
Are sequential
Are unique - not duplicated