Building a Check List

A check list comprises one or more Check Items providing a library on which you can draw. You can link Check Items to Hire Checks associated with a candidate, enabling you to keep track of candidate progress through the pre-hire process.

To build a Check List:

  1. Select the Check List tab.

    Sage People displays the Check List home page.

  2. Select New.

    Sage People displays the New Check Item dialog:

    Screenshot of New Check Item dialog before completion

  3. Enter a name for the Check Item. You can use up to 80 characters. The Check Item Name is displayed when you are creating a Hire Check for a candidate, so choose a name you can recognize easily.

    The Hire Check does not have to use the same name as the Check Item so you can give the Check Item a generic name and use a more role specific name for the Hire Check.

  4. Select:

    • Save to save your changes and display the Check Item Details page for the item you just created.

    • Save and New to save your changes and display a blank New Check Item dialog to create another.

    • Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Check List home page.

  5. Repeat the procedure to create all the check items you need.

To edit a Check Item name:

  1. Select the Check List tab.

    Sage People displays the Check List home page.

  2. Select a view displaying the Check Item you want to edit.

  3. For the item you want to change select the picklist to the right of the page and choose Edit:

    Screenshot of Check List view page with Edit selected for a Check Item

    Sage People displays the Edit dialog for the Check Item you selected:

    Screenshot of Check Item Edit dialog with cursor in completed Check Item Name field

  4. Change the name as required.

  5. Select:

    • Save to save your changes and display the Check List home page with the changed item name.

    • Save and New to save your changes and display a blank New Check Item dialog to create another.

    • Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Check List home page.

To delete a Check Item:

  1. Select the Check List tab.

    Sage People displays the Check List home page.

  2. Select a view displaying the Check Item you want to delete.

  3. For the item you want to delete select the picklist to the right of the page and choose Delete.

  4. You are asked to confirm:

    Screenshot of confirmation dialog for deleting a Check Item

  5. Select Delete.

The Check Item is deleted and Sage People displays the Check List home page.