Choose selection criteria

Selection criteria are used to choose between candidates. The criteria chosen for a vacancy are taken from the Selection Criteria Library, and criteria must be entered in the library before you can use them.

To choose selection criteria for a vacancy:

  1. On the Vacancy Configuration page for the vacancy, select New/Edit Criteria.

    Recruit displays the criteria from the Criteria Library you can use to select candidates for this vacancy:

    The page is divided into a set of sub-tabs each with one type of criterion:

    • Competencies
    • Skills
    • Experience
    • Knowledge
    • Qualifications
    • Other
  2. Against each criterion from the library are two checkboxes:

    • Assessed for candidates

      The criterion is to be used as part of the selection process.

    • Required in all candidates

      All candidates must show this criterion. Required criteria are counted and displayed separately when short-listing candidates. Assessors should not pass candidates missing required criteria to the next stage.

  3. Work through the tabs selecting the criteria you want to use by checking either or both checkboxes.
  4. Select Save.