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Booking an assessment event
When an application reaches a vacancy selection stage with an associated assessment event:
- Open events are made available to candidates through the Applicant Portal. Candidates can choose an event that is not yet fully booked and book themselves onto it.
- Invitation only events appear on the Candidate Portal for the vacancy for those candidates who have been invited to attend.
The Application Details page is updated to show the New Assessment Event button:
To book a candidate on an assessment event:
On the Application Details page, select New Assessment Event.
Recruit displays the New Assessment Event page:
Select the Assessment Event picklist and select the event you want to book for the candidate:
The picklist displays just the events available for this stage of the assessment for this vacancy.
Recruit populates the Assessment Event section of the page to show:
- Location
- Start Date
- Maximum Places
- Number of Confirmed Places
- Number of Pending Places. Pending places have not yet been confirmed by the candidates.
Select Save.
Recruit displays the Application Details page, updated with the details of the event you have booked: