Process summary

There are three steps to setting up an upload:

  1. Configure the upload.

    Define default parameters for all upload files retrieved using your Payflow service. Each Payflow service has its own set of configuration parameters for uploads which define key features of the uploaded file(s) so that the contents can be correctly mapped to Sage People records.

  2. Map fields from the upload files to Payroll Line or Inbound Staging Line

    Specify the mapping between information in the retrieved upload files and fields in the Payroll Line or Inbound Staging Line objects. These objects are used to process and store the data retrieved from the third-party provider before using it to update information held in Sage People.

  3. Map Payroll Line to HCM objects

    Specifies the mapping between fields in the Payroll Line or Inbound Staging Line objects and fields in HCM objects. This mapping is used to update information held in Sage People based on information retrieved from the third-party provider.