Add a new successor

Only managers can create a new successor. As a manager you can add one or more successors for any member of your team.

  1. In the menu, select the service that hosts the Succession Planning process:

    Screenshot: Selecting the Service hosting the Talent Plan process from the menu

    WX displays the Succession Plan for your team.

  2. Select the Name of the Team Member. You can create a New Successor for any of your Team Members:

    Screenshot: Selecting a Team Member in the Succession Plan process

  3. On the Succession Plan view for the team member, select New:

    Screenshot: New button in a Team Member's Succession Plan

    WX displays the New Succession Plan view.

  4. In Team Member start entering the name of the Team Member you want to designate as a possible successor. WX displays a list of matches for you to select the full name:

    Screenshot: Team Member search with results

  5. In Readiness Rating select the picklist and choose the appropriate estimate for when you expect the successor to be ready.

  6. Select Save.

    Screenshot: Save button for a Succession Plan

    WX displays the Succession Plan Team Member view with the new successor added:

    Screenshot: Succession Plan after adding a successor