Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot: Policy options for Succession Plan



Succession Plans

Checkbox. If checked, the Succession Plan process is active and can be enabled for WX users.

Succession Repeat

Number. The default number of months between Succession Plan reviews. An action is created for the manager when a succession plan is due for review.

Field sets

Successor object

Field Set


Successor Create

Fields displayed in WX when creating a new Successor.

Custom picklists are not supported.

Successor Details

Fields displayed in the WX Succession Plan Team Member view:

Annotated screenshot showing the area for the Successor Details field set


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Readiness Rating field

  • Now

  • Within a year

  • Within two years

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Successor object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Readiness Rating



Lookup (Team Member)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)

Record types

There are no record types defined for Succession Plan.


  • Manager: Add New or Confirm. Appears when:

    • Succession plan process is active.
    • The Next Successors date is not blank and is today or in the past

When a succession plan is created or edited the Next Succession Plan date is advanced by the number of Repeat Months set in the Policy field Succession Repeat. If Next Succession Plan is blank it is set to the number of Repeat Months beyond the creation date or last editing date of the Succession Plan, whichever is later.

Action events


When sent


When a succession record for a team member is edited.


When a successor is nominated for a team member.