Viewing a Metrics Review for a Team Member

Access your team member's profile using the My Team menu item:

Screenshot: Selecting a team member from the My Team menu

On the team member's profile, select the service hosting Metrics Review:

Screenshot: Selecting the Service hosting Metrics Review

Metrics Reviews for your Team Members are displayed in the Active tab until they are signed off. Configuration options can require sign off by the manager alone, or by the Team Member as well as the manager.

Signed reviews are displayed in the Signed tab:

Screenshot: Metrics Review Signed tab

To display the full review, select View Details:

Screenshot: Details view for a Metrics Review

Signed reviews with follow up dates and action plans for any of the metrics remain open for managers to edit. Enter an action outcome, or edit the follow up date or action plan.

Select Icon: Pen icon for editing a metric to open the metric view for inline editing.

WX opens the Follow Up Date, Action Plan, and Action Outcome for editing:

Screenshot: Metrics Review action plan open for editing

For Action Outcome, select the picklist and choose from:

  • Achieved
  • Partially Achieved
  • Not Achieved
  • Cancelled

Make the changes you want and select Save:

When saved, the metric is closed for editing.