Creating bank account types


If you do not need bank account types for your organization you can use the bank accounts process with reduced functionality:

  • No record of the account holding country.

  • No record of the account type.

  • No Account Type Code recorded for use by your payroll system.

If you do not define bank account types, Country, Account Type, and Account Type Code fields are not displayed in the HR Manager portal or in WX.

To define bank account types:

  1. Select the Policies tab.

  2. On the Policies Home page select the Policy you want to set up with bank account types.

  3. Scroll down to the Bank Account section and select New.

    Sage People displays the Bank Details Configuration page:

    Screenshot: Bank Details Configuration scrreen

  4. Option Description
    Country Mandatory. The country hosting the bank account type. Enter the first two characters of the country name or country ISO code to display a list. Select the country from the list.
    Account Type Code Text, up to 50 characters. A code used by your organization, typically by payroll, to represent the account type.
    Account Type Name Text up to 150 characters. A meaningful name for the account type. Account Type Name is displayed in the HR Manager Portal and in WX to enable selection of an account type for each account, so enter an easily recognized name such as Checking, Savings, Interest Checking, or Deposit.
  5. Select:

    • Save to save the bank account type you have defined and display the Policy page with the account type added.

    • Save and New to save the bank account type and define another.

    • Cancel to discard the details you have entered and display the Policy page.