Adding US Benefits to a Policy

Policies grant Team Member access to processes through theSage People WX self service portal. A Policy can be assigned to one or more Team Members. You can add US Benefits as a process to an existing Policy, or you can create a new Policy just for US Benefits.

When US Benefits has been activated on a Policy all necessary data for Team Members using that Policy are automatically sent to PlanSource.

The US Benefits is Active checkbox is not displayed on the Policy page by default and must be added before you can activate it for any Policies:

  1. Open the Additional Policies Field Set on the Policy object. Go to:

    • In Salesforce Lightning Experience: Setup > Object Manager > Policy > Field Sets > Additional Policies

    • In Salesforce Classic: Setup > Create > Objects > Policy > Field Sets > Edit Additional Policies

  2. Drag and drop US Benefits is Active into the Field Set.

  3. Select Save.

The US Benefits is Active checkbox is added to the Additional section towards the bottom of the Policy page.

  • To activate US Benefits for an existing Policy, open the Policy and check US Benefits is Active.

    Typically, activate US Benefits after user acceptance testing as part of deployment.

  • To create a new Policy just for US Benefits:

    1. Select the Policies tab.

    2. Select New.

    3. Enter a name for the Policy.

    4. Scroll down to the Additional section towards the bottom of the page.

    5. Check US Benefits is Active.

    6. Change any of the default settings to match your requirements for the new Policy.

      Every Process selected is available to Team Members assigned to the Policy through WX when a matching WX Process is defined.

      Processes not selected on the Policy page cannot be displayed to Team Members through WX.

    7. Select Save.

    The new Policy is saved and available for assignment to Team Members.