Candidate resumes as links to files

Resumes are linked to the Candidate record as files; select the link to display the resume. The links can be sent by email from the Application or Vacancy pages. If resume email recipients are also Salesforce Chatter users they also receive a Chatter post with the same information, including a link to the stored file.

File links also enable access to resumes through WX Actions and the Hiring Manager process.

File security is inherited from the Application - sending a resume link to a user who does not have access to the Application by using the Email Resumes page grants access to the resume file alone.

The file owner can also modify the sharing settings for individual resume files:

  1. Select the Files tab.
  2. On the Files page, select the File Name.
  3. With the file selected, in the left panel select File Sharing Settings > Sharing Settings.
  4. Modify the settings as needed.
  5. Select Close.

To access resume files, users must be logged in to Sage People.

From Follow these steps

Candidate record

  1. Select the Candidates tab.
  2. Select the Candidate Name.
  3. On the Candidate page go to the Files Related List or the Notes & Attachments Related list.
  4. Select the link to view the resume.

    The resume opens in the File Previewer.


  1. Select the Vacancies tab.
  2. Select the Vacancy Name.
  3. On the Vacancy page go to the Active Applications section.
  4. Select the Applications with the resumes you want to view.
  5. Select Email Resumes.
  6. Complete the fields to select recipients, include a subject line, and customize the covering message.
  7. Select Send.

    The email is sent with links to the resumes.

  8. Email recipients select resume links to open resumes in the File Previewer.


  1. Select the Applications tab.
  2. Select the Application Number.
  3. On the Application page:
  4. In the Details section select the Resume link.


  5. Go to the Files Related List or the Notes & Attachments Related List and select the link to the resume.

    The resume opens in the File Previewer.

WX: Hiring Manager

  1. Select the Hiring Manager process.
  2. Select Your Vacancies.
  3. Select the Active Applications tab.
  4. On the Active Applications tab:
  5. Select a Resume link to open the File Previewer.


  6. Select an Assess Stage action to display the Stage Assessment page, then select the Resume link to open the File Previewer.


  7. Select one or more applications, then select Email Resumes.

    Select Send.

    The email is sent with links to the resumes.

    Email recipients select resume links to open resumes in the File Previewer.

Covering letters sent with resumes are also held as files linked to the Application. When available you can access the covering letter by selecting the link in the Files Related List or the Notes & Attachments Related List on the Application record.

WX Actions:

Stage Assessment

Interview Assessment

  1. Select the Action to display the Stage Assessment or Interview Assessment pages.
  2. Select the Resume link to open the File Previewer. You can also select a link to display the Interview Worksheet if Interview Worksheets are available in your org: