Levels of supported languages in the Salesforce platform

The Salesforce platform has three levels of support for languages:

  • Fully supported
  • End-user languages
  • Platform-only languages

Full Sage People terminology can be made available for languages supported at any of the three levels. Check with your Sage People Administrator to find out which languages have been implemented in your organization.

A language's support level determines how much Salesforce content is available translated into the language:

  • Fully supported languages have all Salesforce content available.

    This includes labels associated with Salesforce standard objects (such as Contacts, Cases, Opportunities, Reports, etc.), all Setup functionality and Salesforce Help content. The majority of Sage People supported languages are Salesforce fully supported languages.

  • End-user languages have translations for Salesforce standard objects and pages, but not all Setup pages or Salesforce Help content.

    When a translation is not available, labels are provided in English. A number of Sage People supported languages are end-user languages. In June 2021, this includes Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Turkish.

    You must enable end-user languages before you can use them.

  • Platform-only languages do not have any default Salesforce translations available. Only the translations provided by Sage People for our features are available.

    Where translations are not available, labels are provided either in English or in a closely related language variant supported by Salesforce. Among Sage People supported languages, French (Canadian) is a platform-only language. Where Sage People translations are not available, content is provided in French, a fully supported Salesforce language.

    You must enable platform-only languages before you can use them.

For more information about multi-language support in the Salesforce platform, refer to the Salesforce Help.