
Every new customer has a range of data to load into the Sage People system:

  • Current data for team members, including name, position, manager, salary, contact details, vacation entitlement and so on.

  • History data for existing team members, including employment start dates, salary history, previous positions held, absence and vacation taken, and so on.

Data can be held in an existing system, in spreadsheets, or in a range of formats across the customer's organization.

The define stage in the Sage People implementation framework establishes customers' detailed requirements and produces templates mapping field labels, which may be customer-specific, to Sage People API field names. Any customer-specific fields are created before data loading can start. Data loading then takes customer data, converts it to a Sage People compatible format and uses it to populate the tables comprising the customer's Sage People HCM system.

Sage People Data Loader enables you to automate much of the data loading process. The Data Loader:

  • Generates the templates mapping field labels to API field names.

  • Provides dynamic access to picklist values for building in to generated templates.

  • Takes formatted source files with current data for the following objects and uploads that data into Sage People:

    • Team Member

    • Employment Record

    • Salary

  • Takes formatted source files with history data for the following objects and uploads that data into Sage People:

    • Absence

    • Absence Accrual

    • Absence Accrual Pattern

    • Absence Accrual Rule

    • Absence Accrual Seniority

    • Absence Adjustment

    • Absence Carryover Bucket

    • Beneficiary

    • Benefit

    • Bonus

    • Competency

    • Competency Assessment

    • Competency Library

    • Dependants

    • Education

    • Emergency Contact

    • Employment Record

    • Exchange Rate

    • Experience

    • Job History

    • Job Library Item

    • Job Profile

    • Management (cross reporting)

    • Objectives

    • Performance Review

    • Salary

    • Scale

    • Scale Response

    • Skill

    • Skill Library Item

    • Successor

    • Talent Plan

    • Training

    • Training Library Item

    • Work Days Holiday

    • Work Days Pattern

  • Enables uploads to be repeated.

  • Provides integrated reporting on the progress of each data load and access to a full history of data loads.

Data must be supplied in a standard format, and must follow a set of rules.

The Data Loader also provides a Mass Deletion option to enable bulk clearance of object records. This is a powerful feature that must be used with care—deleted items cannot be retrieved! Use Mass Deletion for clearing down test environments, for deleting complete sets of records loaded in error, or for removing records found to contain large numbers of errors that are best fixed in the source before reloading.