Generate a list of file attachments

Your goal is to produce a CSV file which contains:

  1. The Sage People Team Member Employment Record Id

    1. Use Sage People to create a report to extract Team Member Name and Employment Record Id.


      Include in the report any other fields you need to uniquely identify team members and to enable you to link each team member to the correct attachments.

      The fields you choose will depend in part on the way the attachments have been named. Ideally choose a field that is also used in the attachment file name. With a large number of attachments it is important that you can automate the process of linking the team member to attachment.

    2. Run the report and export the results to a CSV file.
  2. The name of the file to be attached to the Employment Record.

    Aim to generate a list of files complete with file extensions; this list can then be imported into the CSV file.

    You can load more than one attachment for each Team Member through a single CSV file: add a new line for each attachment.


    In the absence of dedicated utilities you can use MS-DOS through the Windows Command Prompt to generate a list of files from a Windows folder (MS_DOS directory) structure.

    Use a command of the form:

    dir [drive:] [path] *.* /s > [target filename]

    For example:

    dir C:\users\files\*.* /s > filelist.txt

    ...generates a list of all the files in the C:\users\files folder, including any files held in sub-folders, and writes the list to a text file called filelist.txt.

  3. The path to the location where the file is stored.

    This will be much easier if all file attachments are stored in the same folder.

  4. The field names you are using in the file as the first line of the file.

    Use field names that are meaningful to you; part of the data loading process is to map the field names to Salesforce fields so that the file can be correctly applied.

You can use Excel to merge the contents of the CSV file generated from the report with the list of attachments. Use the Excel VLOOKUP function if necessary to help match Employment Record Id and attachments.