Setup to support Broadbean apply by email

If your contract with Broadbean defines an Apply by email service, follow the steps in this topic.

Create a Salesforce email service

The Salesforce email service manages applications made by candidates on job boards registered with Broadbean. The candidate sees an on screen confirmation that the job board has received an application, and Broadbean then sends an email to a defined address.

The receiving address is defined in Broadbean. Sage People recommends configuring Broadbean to send the email to an address within your organization and then redirected to the Salesforce email service. This ensures visibility within your organization for all email applications received through Broadbean, and provides a backup. Use a mail rule to redirect the emails, not forward them; forwarding adds FW to the subject line of the emails and prevents them from being correctly processed by Sage People.

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Code > Email Services.

  2. Select New Email Service.

  3. On the Email Service page complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter
    Email Service Information section
    Email Service Name Mandatory. Enter Broadbean
    Apex Class Mandatory. Use Apex Class Lookup to find and select BroadbeanApplyByEmail
    Accept Attachments Picklist. Select the picklist and choose All
    Advanced Email Security Settings Checkbox. Leave unchecked.
    Accept Email From

    Text. Leave blank to enable the email service to receive email from any email address or domain.

    On saving, this field displays: All email addresses (subject to security settings)

    Convert Text Attachments to Binary Attachments Checkbox. Leave unchecked.
    Active Checkbox. Select to check and activate the service.
    Failure Response Settings section
    Over email rate limit action

    Picklists. Select the picklists and choose the options corresponding to the requirements of your organization.

    The default value for all fields is Discard message.

    Deactivated Email Address Action
    Deactivated Email Service Action
    Unauthenticated sender action
    Enable Error Routing Checkbox. Setting depends on the requirements of your organization. Typically checked to enable error messages about the service to be sent to an administrator,
    Route Error Emails to This Email Address If you checked Enable Error Routing, enter the receiving email address for error messages.
  4. Select Save.

    Sage People displays the Email Service page for the service you created.

    You must now generate the full email address that Sage People uses to listen for incoming emails.

  5. Scroll down to the Email Addresses section and select New Email Address.

    Sage People displays Email Service Address page.

  6. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter
    Email Address Name The name you want to use for the receiving email address.
    Email address

    The local part of the receiving email address. By default Sage People enters the email service name, Broadbean in this case. You can leave the default value unchanged or edit it to give a clearer indication of purpose, for example: Broadbeanapplications

    Sage People automatically assigns the @ symbol and domain name.

    Active Checkbox. Check to activate the email address.
    Context User Automatically completed with the name of the user setting up this address. You can change to the display another user in your organization.
    Accept Email From Leave blank to enable the email address to receive emails from any source.
  7. Select Save.

    Sage People displays the completed Email Service page for the service you have defined.

Configure the Broadbean email

To be correctly applied in Sage People, emails sent by Broadbean must have a consistent subject line. Typically the subject line includes:

  • The Vacancy Number

  • The source of the application

  • The candidate's email address.

The sequence of these elements is specified in Broadbean configuration and must be correctly mapped in Sage People.

  1. Ask your Broadbean account manager to set up a rule for the subject line conforming to your requirements.

  2. In Sage People go to the Recruit Configure page and select the Broadbean tab.

  3. Follow the guidance to complete these fields:

    • Broadbean Apply by Email Separator

    • Broadbean Apply by Email Candidate

    • Broadbean Apply by Email Vacancy No

    • Broadbean Apply by Email Source

For example, for a subject line with this sequence and using a semi-colon (;) as a separator:

Vacancy number;Source;Candidate email address

complete the fields as follows:

Field What to enter
Broadbean Apply by Email Separator [\\;\\:]
Broadbean Apply by Email Candidate 2
Broadbean Apply by Email Vacancy No 0
Broadbean Apply by Email Source 1