Connect DocuSign to your Salesforce account

  1. Login to your existing DocuSign account.
  2. Go to Preferences and select Account Administration > Connect from the left menu.
  3. Select Add Configuration > Salesforce
  4. Follow the prompts to add your Salesforce login credentials.
  5. Select Add Object, select the Application object, then:

    In the Select Where section map the following fields:

    • Candidate Email to the DocuSign Field Recipient Email
    • Candidate Name to the DocuSign Field Recipient Name

    In the Update Fields section map:

    • Offer Signed Date to the DocuSign Field Recipient Signed Date

    In the Attachments section:

    • Check Attach DocuSign Documents
    • Select Filename: Document Name + Envelope Status + .pdf

    • Select Contents: Document - one PDF per document

    • Check Completed envelope only
  6. Select Save.
  7. On the left menu select Account Administration > API
  8. Request an Integrator Key if you do not already have one. You will need the Integrator Key when configuring Recruit.
  9. Logout of DocuSign.