Resolved issues (sandbox)

The following customer issues have been resolved in this release.


Reference Change Number Package Area Description
SPPLDEV-30482 I-7578
Human Capital Management (HCM)
In PDFs based on PDF templates, sections were not sorted correctly according to the values of the entered Sort By field. With this fix, sections are now sorted correctly for values of Date, Picklist, and Text fields.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
The Change User button was incorrectly shown to HR managers without the appropriate permission. They were shown the error "sObject type Profile is not supported" when the button was selected.
Performance Management
Adds translations for new user interface strings introduced in the Y23.4 release for Sage People supplied languages. This batch includes labels such as the policy options Confirm Before Activating and Skip Team Member Confirmation, and labels for related buttons and other elements.
Workforce Insights
Workforce Insights
The following charts were not displaying counts of all performance reviews within a period when the start date was in the previous year but the end date was in the current year.
- Performance rating curve
- Performance score by country
- Performance reviews vs salary increase
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
When a manager views a direct report or a team process (such as absences) for the first time, the page content did not display for several seconds, and the loading symbol was not displayed.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
In the Time Off Overview homepage component, the label showing "Today" was not translated correctly.
SPPLDEV-29868 I-7586
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
Removes an unnecessary Save button from the Approve Development Needs screen in WX.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
Corrects translations into Sage People supplied languages for the custom label Available Balance Header Hours used in the New Time off dialog in WX.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
When the Edit Work Details field set was empty for a team member, users were unable to upload a new profile photo.
SPPLDEV-32098 I-7729
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Workforce Experience
The Status field was not being translated in WX for Performance Review, Self Performance Reviews, and Competency Assessments. This field is now translated into the user's selected language in WX.
SPPLDEV-30819 I-7728
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Work Details
Translations for picklist values were not being displayed in the Work Details view.
SPPLDEV-29946 I-7792
Vacancy Longlist
When using "Search with AI" for a vacancy, matching results were displayed in a narrow panel, requiring a horizontal scrollbar to see all the information.
Time Off
Some absence requests that took a team member's year end absence balance below the "Block Minimum Accrual" value were not being blocked. Following this fix, the Block Minimum Accrual value is respected.
SPPLDEV-30440 I-7697
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Team View
The new contact details card has replaced the previous way of showing contact details within the people search bar; this bug does not occur on the card.
Recruit - Vacancies
When using the "Search with AI" option for resume matching, users received an error page saying "This content is blocked".
SPPLDEV-30301 I-7826
Recruit - Vacancies
As part of configuration to support the Candidate Experience Portal an Applying stage can be added as the first selection stage for new candidates. When editing the stage the Required Below Needs Auto Reject checkbox was automatically selected and could not be unchecked.
This issue has now been fixed and the Required Below Needs Auto Reject checkbox can be selected or deselected as required.
Recruit - Applications
As part of configuration to support the Candidate Experience Portal an Applying stage can be added as the first selection stage for new candidates. When editing the stage, Automatic stage actions for the Applying stage now exclude the Score For Auto Next Stage and Auto Next Stage fields. These fields are not relevant for candidates in the Applying stage. The fields are included by default for other stages.
SPPLDEV-27138 I-7556
Human Capital Management (HCM)
People Management
Clicking Save multiple times created multiple records when adding team members.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
People Management
When an HR administrator or HR manager used the Change User function on the Team Member Detail page, an error occurred.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
People Management
Translations for picklist values were not being displayed in the Work Details view.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
People Management
When attaching files in People Management Workflow, files with upper-case file extensions such as ".PNG" did not upload. This issue is now resolved and attachments with lower-case and upper-case file extensions can be uploaded.
SPPLDEV-31303 I-7863
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Org Chart
The WX Org Chart Contact Details field set contains the fields to display on a team member's contact card in the org chart in WX and in the mobile app. Previously, if field set mapping was added for the WX Org Chart Contact Details field set, WX and mobile app users received an error when selecting More to view additional contact details in WX or viewing contact card in the mobile app. This issue is now resolved.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Org Chart
In the WX portal, after selecting "Print" to view a printable version of the org chart and then canceling the operation, in some cases the org chart page was left blank.
SPPLDEV-30843 I-7727
Human Capital Management (HCM)
HR Request
When submitting an employment change request in People Management Workflow in WX, if the user encountered a validation error, corrected the data and resubmitted, they were presented with a second error and the request submission failed. This is now resolved and submission succeeds after the initial validation issue is resolved.
SPPLDEV-31126 I-7677
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Fixes an issue with team members with preferred names not getting WX actions for forms they needed to complete.
Candidate Portal
Candidate Portal
The Save and Close button did not function correctly when candidates edited an application.
SPPLDEV-30334 I-7822
Candidate Portal
Candidate Portal
Fixes an error that occurred for some users when adding vacancies with scheduled alerts.