How to set up combo box support for legacy HR Requests process

You can add combo box functionality to Lookup fields displayed in the WX New Employment Details Change form.

Fields must be defined as Lookup fields and be related to one of these objects:

  • Employment Record

  • Team Member

  • Bonus

  • Salary

To define a new Lookup field as a combo box:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the object. Choose from Employment Record, Team Member, Bonus, and Salary objects.

  2. From the sidebar, select Fields and Relationships.

  3. Select New.

  4. Create the new field with the following settings:

    Setting What to enter
    Related To Select the object to act as the target for the Lookup field.
    Field Label The label you want to display for the field on the WX New Employment Details Change page.
    Field Name Automatically created. Leave unchanged unless you have a good reason for changing it.
    Field-Level Security for Profile Set the field permissions to make the field Visible, Read-Only, or hidden - by unchecking both Visible and Read-Only checkboxes - for each of the listed Profiles.
    Page Layout and Related List Set as required to define the visibility you want.
  5. Select Save to create the new Lookup field and return to the Custom Object Definition Detail page.

  6. Go to the Field Sets Related List.

  7. Select Edit for the Field Set where you want to add the field.

    For example: WX HR Request or HR Request

  8. Drag and drop the new field into the Field Set.

  9. Select Save.

  10. Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the object. Choose from Employment Record, Team Member, Bonus, and Salary objects.

  11. From the sidebar, select Fields and Relationships.

  12. Select New.

  13. Create the new field with the following settings:

    Setting What to enter
    Related To Select the same object as the Related To object selected above.
    Field Label Enter the same label as that used for the host object field you have just created.
    Field Name

    Automatically created. Leave the default value and add a prefix to indicate the host object for the field you have just created:

    E_ for Employment Record

    T_ for Team Member

    B_ for Bonus

    S_ for Salary

    For example, if the automatically created Field Name is:


    and New_team is related to the Team Member object, add the prefix T_ to create the Field Name:


    Field-Level Security for Profile Set the field permissions to make the field Visible, Read-Only, or hidden - by unchecking both Visible and Read-Only checkboxes - for each of the listed Profiles.
    Page Layout and Related List Set as required to define the visibility you want.
  14. Select Save to create the new Lookup field and return to the Custom Object Definition Detail page.

Next time you create a new request in WX the new field is included as a combo box.